10 August 2009

Back to Work...

The weather finally cooperated, so I was able to put some finishing coats of paint on the rocker. I am not completely done, however. I will only give a sneak peak of the chair...if anyone really is holding their breath in anticipation...or perhaps it is just for delusional me.

Also, as I was preparing to work today I discovered some tack cloth. Thanks Judy for the recommendation, it worked brilliantly. My only qualm, was that it left my hands sticky and greasy at the same time...perhaps the magic of the tack cloth?

Oh, I also thought perhaps some people might be interested to see where I do my work. It is in the gangway between my apartment and the coach house. Also, I took some photographs of the spray paint that has made its way on to the sidewalk. I really have tried to be careful...I placed numerous cardboard boxes and plastic down on the sidewalk; yet, somehow the paint manages to stain the sidewalk.


  1. Glad the tack cloth worked! I think greasy and sticky isn't always a bad thing!!!! :)
    Love all the pictures! Just like being there.


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